

Chofetz Chaim Daily 8 Elul

Chofetz Chaim Daily 8 Elul 6:3 If somebody lost a government job or contract, asur to suspect any Jew that he informed on you. Even if you hear that ploni informed on you, asur to believe it. Even if ploni is quiet, it doesnt mean he agrees to accusations. 6:4 Asur to believe rechilus even if many people told it

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Chofetz Chaim Daily 27 Iyar

Chofetz Chaim Daily 27 Iyar Conclusion. Serious negativities of a shidduch include: hidden illness, apikorsis and pritzus. Asur to tell about boys lack of Torah knowledge, cuz if they were really concerned, they could have had him tested. Whenever your allowed to speak, you must make sure to fulfill all the conditions in Rechilus Chapter 9:2.


Chofetz Chaim Daily 28 Adar

Chofetz Chaim Daily 28 Adar 7:3 Asur to believe LH even if heard from two people. Since they spoke LH, theyre like a rasha who we wont trust to spoil a good persons name. 7:4 Asur to believe rumor that ploni did aveira, just suspect until clarified. One may relate it in conversation, but not purposely spread it.


Looking For Sender

ChofetzChaimDaily is looking for someone to help send the daily messages. Candidates will need to have a smartphone that’s capable of sending large group messages. To get involved please email [email protected] or call 732.835.7597. Tizkeh L’Mitzvos.


ChofetzChaimDaily 9 Adar

ChofetzChaimDaily 9 Adar 3:5 Asur to say LH in a sneaky fashion, i.e. to make believe one doesnt realize that what hes saying is negative, or that ploni acts this way 3:6 Asur to say LH even if you know in advance that it wont cause any harm to the subject.


ChofetzChaimDaily 16 Adar II

ChofetzChaimDaily 16 Adar 4:11 One seeking info about potential shidduch or partner may ask others, and they may say necessary info (See rechilus Chap. 9 for more detail). However you must tell the why you are asking to they will have proper intentions. One MAY NOT ask those who dont like the subject. [website]


ChofetzChaimDaily 14 Adar I

ChofetzChaimDaily 14 Adar I 4:7 Someone who has no fear of G-d and you see that he doesnt regret his sins, you may publicly degrade his actions and shame him until he mends bad ways, you also dont judge him favorably. 4:8 If one doesnt heed command of Beis Din (w/o valid excuse) you publicly degrade him and record his

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ChofetzChaimDaily 13 Adar

ChofetzChaimDaily 13 Adar 4:5 If the person you saw doing the aveira isnt wholesome and wont accept your rebuke, and hes likely to repeat the sin, you may tell someone who can influence him to repent. If two people saw, then they may tell Beis Din to rebuke him. 4:6 You may tell that person even if he may leak

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ChofetzChaimDaily 12 Adar

4:3 By an average Jew, you must assume that what he did was a mistake, or that he didnt know that it was wrong. Even if you saw him do it many times, asur to relate it. 4:4 Even if one is sure that subject KNEW it was wrong, asur to tell, because maybe he did teshuva. Rather you should

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ChofetzChaimDaily 11 Adar

4:1 Asur to degrade someone about their parents negative actions, or their own past misdeeds. Even if someone is actively doing something wrong bein adam laMakom, asur to tell anyone about it. 4:2 Asur even if its a slight wrongdoing i.e. not keeping a minhag etc. [website]