Chofetz Chaim Daily 5 Elul 5:5 The Chofetz Chaim bemoans the widespread practice of people asking others what ploni said about him & ploni’s opinion of him. It is destructive behavior and transgresses many negative commandments. Chofetz Chaim Daily 6 Elul 5:6 If one is sure that ploni spoke about him, but what he said can be understood in 2
Chofetz Chaim Daily 4 Elul 5:3 If one has significant reason to suspect that ploni plans to hurt him, he may ask people to protect himself. However, he must specify why asking. 5:4 See Hilchos LH chapter 6 for further details. When listening to info, one can’t BELIEVE anything, and ploni still has chezkas kashrus. Asur to harm ploni, harbor
Chofetz Chaim Daily 2 Elul 4:1 Rechilus is asur even if not supplying any new info. Rechilus is also showing one that what ploni did to him is in fact bad. 4:2 If Reuven badmouthed Shimon in front of 2 people, and one told Shimon, the second may still not tell Shimon. It will increase negative feelings. 4:3 Teshuva for
Chofetz Chaim Daily 30 Av 3:1 Asur to say rechilus even if 100 percent true, even not in front of ploni that youre talking about. Even if you know that you would say it in front of him. It can actually be a bigger sin to say it in front of ploni, because the listener will definitely believe it since
Chofetz Chaim Daily 28 Av 2:1 Asur to say rechilus to an individual, and worse in public. 2:2 AVAK rechilus is also asur. When talking about ploni to either an overly sensitive person or someone who doesn’t like him, one must not say anything that they’ll misunderstand as an offensive comment. Chofetz Chaim Daily 29 Av 2:3 If someone badmouthed
Chofetz Chaim Daily 26 Av 1:8 If you’re asked to say rechilus, and the only way out is to lie, then you should lie! (dont swear). 1:9 Asur to relate a nameless story if the listener will be able to discern who it was. Likewise, if he knew the story but not the name, asur to reveal. Chofetz Chaim Daily
Chofetz Chaim Daily 24 Av 1:4 Rechilus is asur even if it’s 100% true. Asur even if they already hated each other. It is a terrible sin if you create the hard feelings. 1:5 Asur even if you’re pressured to tell the info, or even if it’s your parent or Rabbi asking. Chofetz Chaim Daily 25 Av 1:6 Asur to say rechilus even
Chofetz Chaim Daily 22 Av 10:17 If someone suspects you of wrongdoing, asur to say who did it. Say I didn’t do it (except when you must say – 7 conditions have been met). It’s befitting of a special person to accept the blame to save the perpetrator from shame. This concludes Part 1 Hilchos LH. Part 2 Hilchos Rechilus.
Chofetz Chaim Daily 21 Av 10:15 One must prepare what he’s going to say in advance, to ensure it meets the 7 conditions. In the heat of the moment he may say too much. 10:16 If you heard that someone said LH about you, asur to say LH about him, because 1)Maybe it’s false 2)invalid toeles.
Chofetz Chaim Daily 20 Av 10:13 You may tell others about the loss ploni caused, IF they can help you rectify it. Likewise, you may relate how ploni insulted you etc. if will help prevent it from happening again. 10:14 However one must be careful not to violate any of the 7 conditions.