Chofetz Chaim Daily 12 Kislev 9:3 Asur to relate praise that may cause damage. Eg. Telling that ploni hosted you or lent you money, etc. This can cause ploni harm bc others will now demand the same. Asur to say something that can be mistaken for LH. 9:4 Asur to live among baalei LH. Asur to listen even if not
Chofetz Chaim Daily 11 Kislev 9:1 Asur to speak AVAK LH which is a negative inference eg. “who would think ploni would end up so good?”, “its better we dont talk about ploni” Praising ploni in presence of an enemy or excessive praise to any listener is also avak LH. 9:2 All praise is asur in public, except about universally
Chofetz Chaim Daily 10 Kislev 8:13 Asur for anyone to BELIEVE LH regardless of who the subject is, except for apikores & informers etc. 8:14 Likewise, it doesn’t matter who its heard from, even parents and family members. One is responsible for the behaviors of his household. He should therefore restrain them from LH and set a positive example.
Chofetz Chaim Daily 8 Kislev 8:10 Asur to say LH to anyone; men, women & children. Telling your spouse every time someone wrongs or insults you will involve them in fight. Eventually s/he will lose respect for you when s/he sees you’re always being teased. 8:11 Asur to say LH to relatives, siblings & parents. Chofetz Chaim Daily 9 Kislev
Chofetz Chaim Daily 6 Kislev 8:5 Mitzvah to say LH about a known apikores (one who denies anything of written or oral law) 8:6 If its a rumor, you can suspect and stay away, but do not believe it until you see it yourself or otherwise verify it. 8:7 Same laws apply for a rasha. Chofetz Chaim Daily 7 Kislev
Chofetz Chaim Daily 4 Kislev 8:1 The Issur of saying LH applies to men and women, strangers and relatives. 8:2 Asur to say LH ABOUT men or women, including your spouse and in-laws. Chofetz Chaim Daily 5 Kislev 8:3 Asur to say LH about a child if it will put him in a bad light or cause him damage. 8:4
Chofetz Chaim Daily 3 Kislev 7:13 Beis din may rely on circumstantial evidence that THEY witnessed & beat someone to confess his crime. 7:14 Asur for Beis din to rely on the claimant for the circumstantial evidence.
Chofetz Chaim Daily 1 Kislev 7:7 Asur to believe LH even if the speaker is trustworthy as two witnesses. 7:8 When its mutar to tell people that ploni is a bad person (to stay away from him) people may believe it, IF the speaker witnessed it first hand. However one must not pass it on. 7:9 Asur to believe LH
Chofetz Chaim Daily 28 Cheshvan 7:3 Asur to believe LH even if heard from two people. They are wicked people who we do not trust to spoil a good person’s name because they are speaking LH. 7:4 Asur to believe a rumor that ploni did an aveira, may suspect until clarified. One may relate it in conversation, but not purposely
Chofetz Chaim Daily 26 Cheshvan 6:11 Heter to suspect is only to protect yourself. It is absolutely forbidden to mistreat, release oneself from obligations to, or hate that person. 6:12 Tshuva from believing LH includes removing the story and any ill will from your heart. Chofetz Chaim Daily 27 Cheshvan 7:1 Asur to believe LH even if the story was