October 2022


Chofetz Chaim Daily 7 Cheshvan

Chofetz Chaim Daily 7 Cheshvan 3:1 Asur to say LH both in front of and not in front of the subject. 3:2 Something that can be understood as positive or slightly negative can only be said if you would say it in front of the subject. This indicates the positive intention.  


Chofetz Chaim Daily 5-6 Cheshvan

Chofetz Chaim Daily 5 Cheshvan 2:11 When a community board holds a private vote e.g. to decide whether or not to rehire the chazzan, the voters must NOT relate their own OR others opinions, even if it was positive, because that will inevitably shift the blame on the other voters. Chofetz Chaim Daily 6 Cheshvan 2:12 Asur to degrade a

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Chofetz Chaim Daily 3-4 Cheshvan

Chofetz Chaim Daily 3 Cheshvan 2:7 If the speaker told the 3 listeners not to repeat the story, then one can’t repeat it, even if other 2 didn’t obey. 2:8 No matter what wording he used to tell listeners not to repeat, you must not. Heter of apei t’lasa doesn’t apply if 2 people said LH to 2 others. Chofetz

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Chofetz Chaim Daily 2 Cheshvan

Chofetz Chaim Daily 2 Cheshvan  2:5 Aforementioned heter doesn’t apply if one of the three people would not relate what was said (i.e. he’s a relative or he’s very scrupulous). 2:6 LH from one city is not considered public knowledge in another city.


Chofetz Chaim Daily 1 Cheshvan

Chofetz Chaim Daily 1 Cheshvan  2:3 If one was in group of 3 that heard LH, SOME say that he may repeat the story, because we assume it is now public knowledge. However, even this view only allows random repeating, not with intention to spread story. 2:4 Applies only to those who heard in group of 3 * Note this

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Chofetz Chaim Daily 29-30 Tishrei

Chofetz Chaim Daily 29 Tishrei 1:8 Asur to write or hint LH. 1:9 Asur even if one degrades himself at the same time. Chofetz Chaim Daily 30 Tishrei 2:1 The sin of LH increases with amount of people listening to you speak. 2:2 Something that can be understood as neutral/slightly negative is mutar to say before three people. It will

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Chofetz Chaim Daily 27-28 Tishrei

Chofetz Chaim Daily 27 Tishrei 1:3 Someone who habitually speaks LH is called a Baal LH which is a terrible sin & punishment. 1:4 One who commits a cardinal sin is punished in this world and loses portion in the world to come. A Baal LH is as bad as all three. Chofetz Chaim Daily 28 Tishrei 1:5 It doesnt

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Chofetz Chaim Daily 25-26 Tishrei

Chofetz Chaim Daily 25 Tishrei Arurin: 1)Arur makeh reiehu basaser. Curse for one who speaks LH. 2) Arur mashgeh iver baderech. Curse for one who places stumbling block 3)Arur asher lo yakim es divrei HaTorah Hazos. Curse to one who habitually commits any sin. 4)Arur makleh aviv v’imo. Chofetz Chaim Daily 26 Tishrei. Beginning of LH laws 1:1 Asur to

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Chofetz Chaim Daily 13-24 Tishrei

Chofetz Chaim Daily 13 Tishrei 7)Lo Sisna Es Achicha…. Don’t hate 8)Lo Sikom. If one is taking revenge 9) Lo Sitor. When one holds a grudge. (#8 always includes #9) Chofetz Chaim Daily 14 Tishrei 10)Lo yakum eid echad. One person may not tell LH to Beis Din. 11)Lo siheye achrei rebim laraos. One may not join a LH group.

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Chofetz Chaim Daily 11-12 Tishrei

Chofetz Chaim Daily 11 Tishrei Negative commandments continued. 3)Hishamer Binega Hatzaraas 4)Lifnei Iver Lo Siten Michshol. Speaker causes listener to hear LH and vice versa. Chofetz Chaim Daily 12 Tishrei 5)Hishamer… Pen Tishkach Es Hashem… Mitzva not to be haughty 6) Lo Sichallilu Es Shem Kadshi. Warns against chillul Hashem, which one causes when speaking LH. This is especially true

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