ChofetzChaimDaily 5 Elul 5:5 The Chofetz Chaim bemoans the widespread practice of people asking others what ploni said about them & whats plonis opinion of them, because its a very destructive behavior and transgresses many negative commandments.
ChofetzChaimDaily 4 Elul 5:3 If one has significant reason to suspect that ploni plans to hurt him, he may ask people about ploni to protect himself but you must specify why asking. 5:4 See all hilchos LH chapter 6 for further details. When listening to info, one cant BELIEVE anything, and ploni still has chezkas kashrus. Asur to harm ploni,
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ChofetzChaimDaily 3 Elul 5:1 Asur to believe rechilus (i.e. harbor negative feelings toward ploni who allegedly damaged you. 5:2 Asur to listen to rechilus. If the info being said is crucial for ones safety, he may not believe, but may listen to take the necessary precautions to protect himself from ploni.
ChofetzChaimDaily 2 Elul 4:1 Rechilus is asur even if not supplyingany new info, just showing one how what ploni did, was in truth bad to him. 4:2 If R badmouthed S in front of two people, and one of them already told S, the second may still not tell S, because it will increase negative feelings toward R. 4:3 Teshuva
ChofetzChaimDaily 1 Elul 3:2 Reuven may not say to Shimon, I heard you spoke rechilus about me, because that would be rechilus on Levi who told him. 3:3 One may not tell anyone what reuven did to shimon, cuz besides for being LH, the news may spread and shimon will find out which is rechilus. Asur to tell someone how
ChofetzChaimDaily 30 Av 3:1 Asur to say rechilus even if 100 percent true, even not in front of ploni that ur talking about. Even if u know that u would say it in front of him. Bigger sin to actually say it in front of ploni, cuz the listener will definitely believe since u had the guts to say it,
ChofetzChaimDaily 29 Av 2:3 If someone badmouthed ploni in public, asur to tell others (because you cant rely on chavra chavra [your friend has a friend and he also has a friend etc] that everyone knows), and for sure not ploni himself. 2:4 If one thought to break off from a partner or shidduch, and ended up not; even if
ChofetzChaimDaily 28 Av 2:1 Asur to say rechilus to an individual, and in public its worse. 2:2 AVAK rechilus is also asur. When talking about ploni to either a. an overly sensitive person or b. someone who doesnt like ploni, one must not say anything that theyll misunderstand as an offensive comment.
ChofetzChaimDaily 27 Av 1:10 Asur to rekindle an old fight, even without saying details, just hinting it. 1:11 Asur to write rechilus. Asur to tell storeowner how ploni badmouthed his merchandise.