Chofetz Chaim Daily 18 Shvat. LH causes one to transgress many positive commandments. 1)Zachor… asah Hashem L’Miriam. Remember and do not speak LH 2)V’Ahavta L’Reiacha Kamocha. Chofetz Chaim Daily 19 Shvat 3)B’tzedek tishpot amisecha. LH may come from a person not judging another favorably. 4)V’chai achicha emach. LH can cause loss to another’s livelihood.
Chofetz Chaim Daily 17 Shvat. 16)Lo sachnifu es haaretz, if one agrees to a an LH story to gain approval of speaker. 17)Lo sikallel cheiresh. One may not curse another. Speaking LH commonly causes one to transgress 17 negative commandments!
Chofetz Chaim Daily 16 Shvat 14)Lo sisa alav cheit. One may not shame another. 15)Kol almanah v’yasom lo saanun. One may not pain a widow or an orphan.
Chofetz Chaim Daily 15 Shvat 12)Lo yiheye kikorach v’adaso. One may not cause machlokes. 13) Lo sonu ish es amiso. One may not pain another.
Chofetz Chaim Daily 14 Shvat 10)Lo yakum eid echad. One person may not tell LH to Beis Din. 11)Lo siheye achrei rebim laraos. One may not join a LH group.
Chofetz Chaim Daily 13 Shvat 7)Lo Sisna Es Achicha…. Don’t hate 8)Lo Sikom. If one is taking revenge 9) Lo Sitor. When one holds a grudge. (#8 always includes #9)
Chofetz Chaim Daily 11 Shvat Negative commandments continued. 3)Hishamer Binega Hatzaraas 4)Lifnei Iver Lo Siten Michshol. Speaker causes listener to hear LH and vice versa. Chofetz Chaim Daily 12 Shvat 5)Hishamer… Pen Tishkach Es Hashem… Mitzva not to be haughty 6) Lo Sichallilu Es Shem Kadshi. Warns against chillul Hashem, which one causes when speaking LH. This is especially true
Chofetz Chaim Daily 9 Shvat Because LH is such a bad trait, it is singled out with a specific commandment, Lo selech rachil, unlike other bad traits. LH also involves many sins which we will list in the future. General Rule: Unless specified otherwise, prohibitions apply equally to LH and Rechilus, speaker and listener, true and false, before subject and
Chofetz Chaim Daily 8 Shvat. Opening. In Hashem’s love for us, He distanced us from the bad trait of LH which causes discord & fighting. The Chofetz Chaim details infamous history of LH: Snake/Eitz Hadaas – created death, Sale of Yosef lead to slavery in Egypt, Story of spies caused exile. See sefer for more details.
Chofetz Chaim Daily 7 Shvat. Intro. One should try to fully understand the laws, not just superficially, because one might misinterpret heterim. By studying the laws, one will not become a baal LH. A baal LH is similar to one who transgresses a cardinal sin (see 27 Shvat 1:4 “as bad as all 3” !) & doesn’t greet the shechina.