Chofetz Chaim Daily 7 Sivan. Intro. One should try to fully understand the laws, not just superficially, because one might misinterpret heterim. By studying the laws, one will not become a baal LH. A baal LH is similar to one who transgresses a cardinal sin (see 27 Sivan 1:4 “as bad as all 3” !) & doesn’t greet the shechina.
Chofetz Chaim Daily 8 Sivan. Opening. In Hashem’s love for us, He distanced us from the bad trait of LH which causes discord & fighting. The Chofetz Chaim details infamous history of LH: Snake/Eitz Hadaas – created death, Sale of Yosef lead to slavery in Egypt, Story of spies caused exile. See sefer for more details.
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