Daily Halachos


Chofetz Chaim Daily 8 Sivan.

Chofetz Chaim Daily 8 Sivan. Opening. In Hashems love for us he distanced us from the bad midah of LH which brings to fights and discord. The Chofetz Chaim details infamous history of LH: Aitz Hadaas- nachash, which created death. Mechiras Yosef – shibud mitzrayim. Maaseh miraglim caused galus. See sefer for more details.


Chofetz Chaim Daily 7 Sivan

Chofetz Chaim Daily 7 Sivan. Intro. One should try to fully understand the laws, not just superficially, because that can lead to misinterpreting certain heterim. Another benefit of learning the laws is that one wont be considered baal LH, which is like one who transgresses one of the cardinal sins, who dont greet the shechina.


Chofetz Chaim Daily 6 Sivan

Chofetz Chaim Daily 6 Sivan. Intro. The entire sefer was written as actual Halacha, and not just chumros (unless specified). The sefer starts with a comprehensive introduction, with all the positive and negative commandments that one may transgress while speaking LH. Studying this will help one to restrain himself.


Chofetz Chaim Daily 5 Sivan

Chofetz Chaim Daily 5 Sivan The sefer CHOFETZ CHAIM was written to educate the public in keeping the laws of LH and Rechilus. Its contents gathered from Rishonim and Poskim. The main text is the concise law. The sources are spelled out in the Beer Mayim Chaim.


Chofetz Chaim Daily 4 Sivan

Chofetz Chaim Daily 4 Sivan. Intro. Widespread nonobservance of hilchos LH is because of 1. ignorance of the laws 2. false heterim. This is primarily because for ages, there was no sefer that clearly spelled out all the halachos.


Chofetz Chaim Daily 3 Sivan

Chofetz Chaim Daily 3 Sivan Some reasons why LH is so bad are because 1) When people speak or listen to LH that gives the satan the ability to prosecute, & the heavenly court the right to listen to your sins 2)it damages the potency of all prayers and Torah learning that comes from ones mouth 3) its a habit

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Chofetz Chaim Daily 2 Sivan

Chofetz Chaim Daily 2 Sivan. LH is the primary sin we need to rectify to merit redemption, because 1)it caused the current exile 2)the LH of the miraglim also caused exile 3)LH prolonged the Egyptian exile 4)the Torah curses LH sinners 5)A Baal LH is equal a kofer. See sefer for elaboration.


Chofetz Chaim Daily 1 Sivan

Chofetz Chaim Daily New Cycle. 1 Sivan. Introduction. Praised is Hashem who gave us the Torah, and brought us into Eretz Yisroel! Alas at end of Bayis Sheni, sinas chinam and LH forced us into this long and harsh exile. Hashem is ready and able to redeem us, hes just waiting for us to do teshuva.


Chofetz Chaim Daily 29 Iyar

Chofetz Chaim Daily 29 Iyar If your info isnt first hand, then you can still say it IF 1)the listeners know that, and will make more serious inquiries 2)they wont break it off because of you. The Chofetz Chaim concludes his sefer by saying that the main idea is to think before you speak!!


Chofetz Chaim Daily 28 Iyar

Chofetz Chaim Daily 28 Iyar. Conclusion. If you think the in-laws are not really going to support the amount promised, you can say if a) you are positive he wont fulfill (not just because he isnt wealthy) b) its a make it or break it issue for the boy 3)the boy is really all hes made to be, otherwise it

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