October 2023


Chofetz Chaim Daily 2 Cheshvan

Chofetz Chaim Daily 2 Cheshvan 2:5 Aforementioned heter doesn’t apply if one of the three people would not relate what was said (i.e. he’s a relative or he’s very scrupulous). 2:6 LH from one city is not considered public knowledge in another city.


Chofetz Chaim Daily 30 Tishrei – 1 Cheshvan

Chofetz Chaim Daily 30 Tishrei 2:1 The sin of LH increases with amount of people listening to you speak. 2:2 Something that can be understood as neutral/slightly negative is mutar to say before three people. It will get back to the subject so the speaker obviously is not intending for the negative interpretation. Chofetz Chaim Daily 1 Cheshvan 2:3 If

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Chofetz Chaim Daily 28-29 Tishrei

Chofetz Chaim Daily 28 Tishrei 1:5 It doesnt matter who is asking for information, it is always asur to speak LH. 1:6 Asur even if it will cause a financial loss, even job loss. 1:7 Asur to speak LH even if it will create an awkward/embarrassing situation. Chofetz Chaim Daily 29 Tishrei 1:8 Asur to write or hint LH. 1:9 Asur even if

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Chofetz Chaim Daily 27 Tishrei

Chofetz Chaim Daily 27 Tishrei 1:3 Someone who habitually speaks LH is called a Baal LH which is a terrible sin & punishment. 1:4 One who commits a cardinal sin is punished in this world and loses portion in the world to come. A Baal LH is as bad as all three.


Chofetz Chaim Daily 26 Tishrei

Chofetz Chaim Daily 26 Tishrei. Beginning of LH laws 1:1 Asur to speak negatively about anyone. If true, called LH. If false, Motsi Shem Ra. Biblical source: Lo selech Rachil 1:2 This is the specific verse for LH, there are many other sins one transgresses as well.


Chofetz Chaim Daily 25 Tishrei

Chofetz Chaim Daily 25 Tishrei – Arurin: 1)Arur makeh reiehu basaser. Curse for one who speaks LH. 2) Arur mashgeh iver baderech. Curse for one who places stumbling block 3)Arur asher lo yakim es divrei HaTorah Hazos. Curse to one who habitually commits any sin. 4)Arur makleh aviv v’imo.


Chofetz Chaim Daily 15-24 Tishrei

Chofetz Chaim Daily 15 Tishrei 12)Lo yiheye kikorach v’adaso. One may not cause machlokes. 13) Lo sonu ish es amiso. One may not pain another. Chofetz Chaim Daily 16 Tishrei 14)Lo sisa alav cheit. One may not shame another. 15)Kol almanah v’yasom lo saanun. One may not pain a widow or an orphan. Chofetz Chaim Daily 17 Tishrei. 16)Lo sachnifu

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