Daily Halachos


ChofetzChaimDaily 3 Adar

ChofetzChaimDaily 3 Adar 2:7 If the speaker told his three listeners not to repeat the story, then one cant repeat it, even if the two others didnt obey and repeated. 2:8 No matter what wording he used to tell listeners not to repeat it, you must not. Heter of apei tlasa doesnt apply if two said LH to two.


ChofetzChaimDaily 2 Adar

ChofetzChaimDaily 2 Adar 2:5 Aforementioned heter doesnt apply if one of the three people in the group is not the type to relate what was said (i.e. hes relative of subject or hes very scrupulous). 2:6 Also only applies within that city, we dont consider it public knowledge in another city.


ChofetzChaimDaily 1 Adar

ChofetzChaimDaily 1 Adar 2:3 If one was in group of three that heard LH, SOME say that he may repeat the story, because we assume that its now public knowledge. However, even this view only allows random repeating, not to intend to spread story. 2:4 Applies only to those who heard in group of three. (except if e/o already knows).

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ChofetzChaimDaily 30 Adar

ChofetzChaimDaily 30 Adar 7:7 Asur to believe LH even if the speaker is trustworthy as two witnesses. 7:8 When its mutar to tell people that ploni is a bad person, so theyll stay away from him; the people may believe it, IF the speaker witnessed it first hand. However one mustnt relate it to others. 7:9 Asur to believe LH

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ChofetzChaimdaily 29 Adar

ChofetzChaimdaily 29 Adar 7:5 Mutar to believe LH on someone who is known to constantly transgress serious sins. 7:6 If someone degrades himself and another, you may believe it about himself but not the other.


ChofetzChaimDaily 28 Adar

ChofetzChaimDaily 28 Adar 7:3 Asur to believe LH even if heard from two people. Since they spoke LH, theyre like a rasha who we wont trust to spoil a good persons name. 7:4 Asur to believe rumor that ploni did aveira, just suspect until clarified. One may relate it in conversation, but not purposely spread it.


ChofetzChaimDaily 27 Adar

ChofetzChaimDaily 27 Adar 7:1 Asur to believe LH even if the story was said publicly. 7: 2 Asur to believe LH even if the subject was present while it was said and didnt protest. Obviously its asur to believe LH, if speaker just SAYS he would say it in subjects presence.


ChofetzChaimDaily 26 Adar

ChofetzChaimDaily 26 Adar 6:11 This Heter to suspect, is only to protect yourself. However its absolutely forbidden to mistreat, release oneself from obligations to, or hate that person. 6:12 Tshuva from believing LH includes, removing the story and any ill will from your heart.


ChofetzChaimDaily 25 Adar

ChofetzChaimDaily 25 Adar 6:9 Anything thats asur for someone to SAY, is also LH to BELIEVE. 6:10 One is allowed to SUSPECT that a story is true, IF there is toeles e.g. to protect himself etc. However one must still treat this suspect as a regular Jew for all matters.


ChofetzChaimDaily 24 Adar

ChofetzChaimDaily 24 Adar 6:7 The sin of LH is commonly caused by not judging the subject of a story favorably. 6:8 Its much worse if the subject is a Talmid Chacham, which one is required to try harder to judge favorably.