Chofetz Chaim Daily 24-25 Teves
Chofetz Chaim Daily 24 Teves 9:14 If someone suspects YOU of wronging him, and you know who really did it, you may not tell (unless all conditions met). You may say it wasn’t me. 9:15 Ex: You put something aside for buyer. Ploni comes, pays, and takes the item. You do not protest. When original buyer returns with $, you may not tell him its ploni’s fault. It is asur to say ploni’s name, even if you accept blame. All hilchos LH do not apply to people who are public kofrim.
(A Tinok Shenishba, which means someone who wasn’t educated with a Torah education, or someone who didn’t have a stable youth, is considered “Amitecha” and one cannot talk LH about him. For any question ask a Posek.)
Chofetz Chaim Daily 25 Teves In a case of potential partnership, one should not assume that ploni’s poor financial situation makes him a bad candidate for a partnership. BUT in such a scenario, where you may not want him as your partner, you shouldn’t recommend him either. That may be bad advice.
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