May 2024


Chofetz Chaim Daily 25-26 Nissan

Chofetz Chaim Daily 25 Nissan 1:6 Asur to say rechilus even if not saying will cause a large financial loss, like losing one’s job. 1:7 Likewise asur even if it will cause insult and embarrassment. The great reward for guarding one’s speech is beyond human comprehension! Chofetz Chaim Daily 26 Nissan 1:8 If you’re asked to say rechilus, and the only way out

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Chofetz Chaim Daily 23-24 Nissan

Chofetz Chaim Daily 23 Nissan Rechilus 1:1 One who says rechilus transgresses: Lo selech rachil b’amecha, and many other positive & negative commandments. 1:2 Rechilus is: Telling someone that ploni wronged or said bad about him. Asur even if ploni won’t deny it. 1:3 Rechilus is asur even if you’re not intending to create hard feelings. Asur even if you

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