Chofetz Chaim Daily 21 Tishrei 7)Umikdashi tiraoo. Do not speak LH in shul. 8)V’hadarta pnei zaken. Do not speak LH about a chacham or old person, definitely not in front of them.
22 Tishrei 9)V’kidashto. Do not speak LH about a Kohen in front of him. 10)Kabed es avicha v’es imecha. Also applies to step parents and older brother
23 Tishrei 11)Es Hashem Elokecha tira. Fear G-d. 12) Limud HaTorah. One could have been learning instead of speaking LH.
24 Tishrei. 13)Midvar Sheker tirchak, if its a lie. 14)Vihalachta bidrachav, to act like Hashem and not speak LH. This concludes positive commandments.
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