Chofetz Chaim Daily 16 Tishrei 14)Lo sisa alav cheit. One may not shame another. 15)Kol almanah v’yasom lo saanun. One may not pain a widow or an orphan.
17 Tishrei. 16)Lo sachnifu es haaretz, if one agrees to a an LH story to gain approval of speaker. 17)Lo sikallel cheiresh. One may not curse another. Speaking LH commonly causes one to transgress 17 negative commandments!
18 Tishrei. LH causes one to transgress many positive commandments. 1)Zachor… asah Hashem L’Miriam. Remember and do not speak LH 2)V’Ahavta L’Reiacha Kamocha.
19 Tishrei 3)B’tzedek tishpot amisecha. LH may come from a person not judging another favorably. 4)V’chai achicha emach. LH can cause loss to another’s livelihood.
20 Tishrei 5)Hocheach tocheach es amisecha. One should rebuke a LH speaker 6)Uvo tidbak. Cleave to Chachamim and do not join a LH group.
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