Chofetz Chaim Daily 29 Teves If your information is not first hand, you can say it IF 1)the listeners know that, & will make more serious inquiries 2)they won’t break it off because of you. The Chofetz Chaim concludes his sefer by saying that the main idea is to think before you speak!!
Chofetz Chaim Daily New Cycle. 1 Shvat. Introduction. Praised is Hashem who gave us the Torah, and brought us into Eretz Yisrael! Alas, at end of Bayis Sheni, Sinas Chinam and LH forced us into this long and harsh exile. Hashem is ready and able to redeem us; He is waiting for us to do teshuva.
Chofetz Chaim Daily 2 Shvat. LH is the primary sin we need to rectify to merit redemption because 1)it caused the current exile 2)the LH of the miraglim also caused exile 3)LH prolonged the Egyptian exile 4)the Torah curses LH sinners 5)A Baal LH is equal to a kofer. See sefer for elaboration.
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