August 2015


Chofetz Chaim Daily 25 Av

Chofetz Chaim Daily 25 Av 1:6 Asur to say rechilus even if not saying will cause a large financial loss, even losing ones job (like all neg. commandments). 1:7 Likewise asur even if it will cause insult and embarrassment. The great reward for guarding ones speech is beyond human comprehension!


Chofetz Chaim Daily 24 Av

Chofetz Chaim Daily 24 Av 1:2 Rechilus is: Telling someone that ploni wronged or said bad about him. Asur even if ploni wont deny it. 1:3 Rechilus is asur even if youre not intending to create hard feelings. Asur even if you think ploni was right in what he said or did. 1:4 Rechilus is asur even if it’s 100%

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Chofetz Chaim Daily 23 Av

Chofetz Chaim Daily 23 Av Richilus 1:1 One who says rechilus transgresses Lo selech rachil biamecha and many other + and – commandments. 1:2 Rechilus is: Telling someone that ploni wronged or said bad about him. Asur even if ploni wont deny it. 1:3 Rechilus is asur even if youre not intending to create hard feelings. Asur even if you

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Chofetz Chaim Daily 22 Av

Chofetz Chaim Daily 22 Av 10:17 If someone suspects you of wrongdoing, asur to say who did it, just say I didnt do it (except when you must say i.e. 7 conditions have been met). Its befitting of a special person to accept the blame to save the perpetrator from shame. This concludes Part 1 Hilchos LH. Part 2 Hilchos

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Chofetz Chaim Daily 21 Av

Chofetz Chaim Daily 21 Av 10:15 One must prepare what hes going to say in advance, that it meets the 7 conditions, because in the heat of the moment he may say too much. 10:16 If you heard that someone said LH about u, asur to say LH about them, because; 1. Maybe its false 2. Thats not valid toeles.


Chofetz Chaim Daily 20 Av

Chofetz Chaim Daily 20 Av 10:13 You may tell others about the loss ploni caused, IF they can help you rectify it. Likewise you may relate how ploni insulted you etc. if will help prevent it from happening again. 10:14 However one must be careful not to violate any of the 7 conditions.


Chofetz Chaim Daily 19 Av

Chofetz Chaim Daily 19 Av 10:11 If you yourself was the one that was hurt, asur to spread it because your intention isnt litoeles. 10:12 Its a bigger sin to spread it if he didnt even hurt you, but he just didnt do a favor that you expected of him.


Chofetz Chaim Daily 18 Av

Chofetz Chaim Daily 18 Av 10:9 If people wont suspect the speaker of going behind the subjects back (i.e. tzadik) then you dont need to say it in front of 3 people. 10:10 Relating someones wrongdoing bein adam laMakom is only mutar if its a known aveira and youve seen him do it many times bmazid.


Chofetz Chaim Daily 17 Av

Chofetz Chaim Daily 17 Av 10:7 You dont have to rebuke the perpetrator(third condition ibid) if youre sure he wont accept it. But then you must spread to at least 3 people at a time, so they wont think youre going behind his back. 10:8 If the perpetrator is dangerous, then you may say it to less than 3 people.


Chofetz Chaim Daily 16 Av

Chofetz Chaim Daily 16 Av 10:5 Mutar to defame someone who spoke LH, only if the subject is aware of it, otherwise it will lead to rechilus. 10:6 Even if the subject isnt aware, mutar if it will create a preemptive benefit, that now people wont believe the LH rumor that the speaker is trying to spread.