February 2015


Chofetz Chaim Daily 17 Shvat

Chofetz Chaim Daily 17 Shvat. 16)Lo sachnifu es haaretz, if one agrees to a an LH story to gain approval of speaker. 17)Lo sikallel cheiresh, if one curses ploni while speaking LH about him. The total commonly transgressed negative commandments from LH is 17 !


Chofetz Chaim Daily 16 Shvat

Chofetz Chaim Daily 16 Shvat. 15)Kol almanah v’yasom lo saanun, if the LH pains them. 16)Lo sachnifu es haaretz, if one agrees to a an LH story to gain approval of speaker.


Chofetz Chaim Daily 15 Shvat

Chofetz Chaim Daily 15 Shvat.13) Lo sonu ish es amiso, if the LH pains someone. 14)Lo sisa alav cheit, if the LH shames someone.


Chofetz Chaim Daily 14 Shvat

Chofetz Chaim Daily 14 Shvat. 10)Lo yakum eid echad, if one person tells LH to beis din. 11)Lo siheye achrei rebim laraos, if one joins an LH group. 12)Lo Yiheye kikorach v’adaso, if one causes machlokes.


Chofetz Chaim Daily 13 Shvat

Chofetz Chaim Daily 13 Shvat 7)Lo Sisna Es Achicha….= dont hate 8)Lo Sikom, if one is taking revenge 9) Lo Sitor, when one holds a grudge. (#8 always includes #9)


Chofetz Chaim Daily 12 Shvat

Chofetz Chaim Daily 12 Shvat. 5) Hishamer … Pen Tishkach Es Hashem… = mitzva not to be haughty, which one clearly is when degrading others 6) Lo Sichallilu Es Shem Kadshi = warns against chillul Hashem, which one makes when speaking LH, because theres no physical pleasure involved. This is especially true if ones actions negatively influence others.